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Leveraging Data Lineage and Ensuring Data Quality: a BCBS239 Case Study

In this one-off webinar, Solidatus and Datactics teams discuss how they jointly implemented data governance tools to meet BCBS239 regulation.

Watch on-demand; Leveraging Data Lineage and Ensuring Data Quality: a BCBS239 Case Study

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Solidatus & Datactics teams discuss how they jointly implemented data governance tools to meet BCBS239 regulation in a global D-SIB bank, and learn how data quality and data lineage working together is best for managing data in motion. 

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Basel III – Meeting the challenge with Solidatus

New reforms target the recalculation of risk-weighted assets and limiting banks’ use of internal models for risk estimation in setting minimum capital requirements. Systemically important banks face heightened stress testing and risk data requirements, while expanded reporting rules and risk assessments present new challenges for regional players.
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Basel III is changing – are you prepared? 

New reforms target the recalculation of risk-weighted assets and limiting banks’ use of internal models for risk estimation in setting minimum capital requirements.  

Systemically important banks face heightened stress testing and risk data requirements, while expanded reporting rules and risk assessments present new challenges for regional players. 

Banks must interpret the new rules, assess their impact, and address emerging data and technology requirements by July 2025.  

Download the factsheet 

Basel III: what’s changing? 

The 2017 ‘endgame’ (B3E) enhances capital calculation by modifying Basel’s approach according to activity risks. Banks have approximately two years (July 2025 for UK and US) to interpret the new rules, during which time they must address emerging data and technology requirements and adapt their business models. 

Changes include:  

  • Discontinuation of internal risk models for lending activities 
  • Fresh requirements for assessing market and trading risks, requiring banks to establish new processes and controls for data sourcing, calculations and reporting 
  • Replacement of internal models for operational risk with standardized approaches considering a bank’s activities and past losses 
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Getting Basel III ready: the challenge 

B3E requires significant data architecture upgrades for flexible, auditable, and integrated risk quantification in line with regulatory guidance.  

Financial institutions must attain high quality data on capital, loan books, and portfolios but will struggle for the following key reasons:  

  • Manual data processing is prone to errors, consuming valuable time 
  • New data attributes are either not available or require substantial effort to source 
  • Complex processes, data silos, and limited visibility impede collaboration 
  • Non-standardized integrations create inefficiencies and complicate data management 
  • Expanding data volumes put legacy systems under pressure when scaling 

Meet Basel III “endgame” and achieve compliance with one scalable solution  

Solidatus enables banks to meet Basel III simply, and efficiently. 

By combining technical data lineage with business context we connect your data to the processes that create it, to the policies that guide it, and to the obligations that regulate it. The result is a ‘live’ enterprise data blueprint that clearly illustrates the impact of Basel III on every layer of your organization.  

Build an enterprise data blueprint

  • With Solidatus’ powerful connectors, unify your enterprise metadata into a single, manageable view, regardless of how data enters, moves, or is stored in your business.  
  • Enrich these flows by incorporating business context, ownership and accountability – bridging the business-technical divide.  
  • Zero in on regulatory obligations, visualizing connections between reporting requirements and underlying data assets.  

Interrogate an evergreen, single source of truth

  • Create a compliance roadmap using current, historical, and future data views to quickly evaluate the impact of changes on systems, policies, processes, and personnel, reducing assessment time from months to seconds.  
  • Apply governance principles like ownership, stewardship, and controls, addressing any gaps within the data supply chain.  
  • Discover the root cause of questionable data by tracing its lineage back to its original source.  

Automate reporting and bake in compliance by design

  • Federate execution, expediting implementation and lowering program costs. 
    Embed controls across workflows, data, and reports. 
  • Automate the generation of regulatory reports, disclosures and submission documents reducing manual effort and resource costs involved in preparing for examinations. 
  • Provide total transparency for executive decisionmakers, board members and regulators, showing that critical data and underlying sources are well-known and controlled.  

Watch how Solidatus tackles Basel III head-on 

Book a demo of Solidatus 

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Basel III – Meeting the challenge with Solidatus

New reforms target the recalculation of risk-weighted assets and limiting banks’ use of internal models for risk estimation in setting minimum capital requirements. Systemically important banks face heightened stress testing and risk data requirements, while expanded reporting rules and risk assessments present new challenges for regional players.
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Basel III is changing – are you prepared? 

New reforms target the recalculation of risk-weighted assets and limiting banks’ use of internal models for risk estimation in setting minimum capital requirements.  

Systemically important banks face heightened stress testing and risk data requirements, while expanded reporting rules and risk assessments present new challenges for regional players. 

Banks must interpret the new rules, assess their impact, and address emerging data and technology requirements by July 2025.  

Download the factsheet 

Basel III: what’s changing? 

The 2017 ‘endgame’ (B3E) enhances capital calculation by modifying Basel’s approach according to activity risks. Banks have approximately two years (July 2025 for UK and US) to interpret the new rules, during which time they must address emerging data and technology requirements and adapt their business models. 

Changes include:  

  • Discontinuation of internal risk models for lending activities 
  • Fresh requirements for assessing market and trading risks, requiring banks to establish new processes and controls for data sourcing, calculations and reporting 
  • Replacement of internal models for operational risk with standardized approaches considering a bank’s activities and past losses 
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Getting Basel III ready: the challenge 

B3E requires significant data architecture upgrades for flexible, auditable, and integrated risk quantification in line with regulatory guidance.  

Financial institutions must attain high quality data on capital, loan books, and portfolios but will struggle for the following key reasons:  

  • Manual data processing is prone to errors, consuming valuable time 
  • New data attributes are either not available or require substantial effort to source 
  • Complex processes, data silos, and limited visibility impede collaboration 
  • Non-standardized integrations create inefficiencies and complicate data management 
  • Expanding data volumes put legacy systems under pressure when scaling 

Meet Basel III “endgame” and achieve compliance with one scalable solution  

Solidatus enables banks to meet Basel III simply, and efficiently. 

By combining technical data lineage with business context we connect your data to the processes that create it, to the policies that guide it, and to the obligations that regulate it. The result is a ‘live’ enterprise data blueprint that clearly illustrates the impact of Basel III on every layer of your organization.  

Build an enterprise data blueprint

  • With Solidatus’ powerful connectors, unify your enterprise metadata into a single, manageable view, regardless of how data enters, moves, or is stored in your business.  
  • Enrich these flows by incorporating business context, ownership and accountability – bridging the business-technical divide.  
  • Zero in on regulatory obligations, visualizing connections between reporting requirements and underlying data assets.  

Interrogate an evergreen, single source of truth

  • Create a compliance roadmap using current, historical, and future data views to quickly evaluate the impact of changes on systems, policies, processes, and personnel, reducing assessment time from months to seconds.  
  • Apply governance principles like ownership, stewardship, and controls, addressing any gaps within the data supply chain.  
  • Discover the root cause of questionable data by tracing its lineage back to its original source.  

Automate reporting and bake in compliance by design

  • Federate execution, expediting implementation and lowering program costs. 
    Embed controls across workflows, data, and reports. 
  • Automate the generation of regulatory reports, disclosures and submission documents reducing manual effort and resource costs involved in preparing for examinations. 
  • Provide total transparency for executive decisionmakers, board members and regulators, showing that critical data and underlying sources are well-known and controlled.  

Watch how Solidatus tackles Basel III head-on 

Book a demo of Solidatus 

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A-Team Webinar: Data lineage for actionable business insights

Phil Dutton, CEO and Founder, Solidatus, joins A-Team for a webinar with Olga Maydanchik, Rob Goodliffe, and moderated by Sarah Underwood.

In this free recorded webinar with our CEO and Founder, Phil Dutton, see how you can turn data into actionable insights, hosted by A-Team

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Get the new Gartner® report

Get access to the new report from Gartner®: Manage Data and Analytics Risk to Enable Better Business Outcomes.
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New Gartner® report: Manage Data and Analytics Risk to Enable Better Business Outcomes

As a data leader, your goal is to deliver business value.

But Gartner® have highlighted a problem: “While data and analytics leaders rightly address business value through their investments, they typically neglect to effectively address the data and analytics risks that can cause these investments to fail.”

In fact, the new report finds that: “Risk and value are opposite sides of the same coin, yet in most cases, that’s not the way that data and analytics leaders are thinking about it.”

It’s a problem we’ve seen so many times here at Solidatus, and we’re proud to have helped some of the world’s most data-rich and regulated organizations avoid this pitfall.

So, what’s the solution? 

Read this report for: 

  • Key findings from the Gartner® CDAO Agenda Survey for 2023.
  • Recommendations for data and analytics leaders aiming to deliver sustainable business value.
  • Advice on treating data, analytics and AI-related risk as part of the wider risk ecosystem.

Gartner, Manage Data and Analytics Risk to Enable Better Business Outcomes, Saul Judah, Paul Proctor, Published 29 June 2023.

GARTNER is a registered trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved.

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Data Distress: Is the Data Office on the Brink of Breakdown?

Data distress has prompted 71% of data leaders in banking and financial services to consider quitting their jobs. We discuss some new research around data burnout.
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Data distress has prompted 71% of data leaders in banking and financial services to consider quitting their jobs. 

This stark statistic is one of the key findings in an extensive piece of proprietary research that Solidatus commissioned earlier this year. 

In a detailed whitepaper, we discuss the results of a survey in which 300 senior data leaders across the US and UK were quizzed on all aspects of their work. 

We explore: 

  • Why 64% of senior global data leaders within financial services firms are currently experiencing high levels of data-related stress in the workplace.
  • Why 87% say that this stress has affected their mental health and well-being, with 74% having taken sick days as a result of it, and 68% enduring 2 to 6 nights of disrupted sleep per week.
  • How you and your team can start to tackle the problem of data distress if you’re also suffering. 

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Restoring certainty in your data

This eBook is the definitive guide to lineage, governance and best practice. Suitable for experts looking for a refresher course or the relatively inexperienced.
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Do any of these problems sound familiar at your organization?

  • Inadequate decision-making due to insufficient and unreliable information 
  • Increased expense associated with manual effort to search for and identify the root cause of data issues, repairing data and data clean-up 
  • A lack of confidence and nimbleness where management don’t trust their data and can’t rely on it to derive meaningful insight

If so, it’s likely that your data governance regime is in need of renewal. 

Suitable for experts looking for a refresher course or the relatively inexperienced, this concise eBook highlights how you can visualize your entire data ecosystem, create a common understanding of where you are and how to get to where you want to go, and shift from an outmoded traditional approach to data governance to one fit for the 2020s. 

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Dataversity Demo: Data governance & regulatory compliance

Let Sean Kelly, Technical Presales Consultant at Solidatus, show you how easy it is to create and work with your own data blueprints, and how important they are for effective data governance.
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In this demo, originally part of Dataversity’s Demo Day, Sean Kelly shows:

  • how to create and navigate dynamic blueprints of your data
  • how important blueprints are for effective data governance
  • how you can achieve transparency around data context for better decision making.

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